What I Learned
The STEAM program has been in my life for four years. Through this program, I learned how to take photography, to vinyl cut, to laser and 3D print. Not only that, but I learned valuable skills, such as learning to fall and to get back up again.
- Senior Capstone Project -
Over the last six months, I was challenged to think big. To create something unique, or to better current inventions out there. As I dug through hundreds of articles and stories, it became clear to me what my project would be. When asked how this project was relevant to me, I said it was connected to the love of my environment.
The goal of my project was to create something that would benefit all around us. To find something that is safe for us, and the animals in our ocean. This was easier said than done though.
My biggest issue that I faced, other than finding qualifying material, was actually creating the cup. I have 3D printed before, but never a cup. It was only ever a box, so I started with a major disadvantage of creating my project. I had three big issues within my struggle of learning how to 3D print.​​​
My first issue lied within making sure I got the proportions correct. Every time I measured my sample cup, I got a different number. So I ended up always having to estimate given the many numbers I was getting. I felt that getting the cup as close in size as I can was important since it would help sell my cup better.
The second issues lied in the lip. I think that this was the most challenging part by far. To get the lip to be the right size, curve right, and to print correctly was incredibly hard for me. It was a gamble in the end as to what one would go right or wrong. I usually had the size wrong, but when I had it right, it wouldn't print right or be set on the cup right.
The last issue was the thickness. It was always to thick. I struggled to get the cup as thin as a regular coffee cup. In some cases, the thickness of the cup would also affect whether or not my lip was stable enough to print. So it became a challenge to make sure that the cup was thin, but printable.
Rewarding Experience
This program has been beyond rewarding. But this class has been the most. I have failed so many times. More than I will show on this website. But I learned to keep going, and to keep trying. I continued to push and try. I have always been a quitter. Whenever things get hard, I give up. But this class has taught me not to.
I think some of the most rewarding parts of this has been when I was being successful. The most rewardable time was when I got my cup to print the exact way I wanted. It was two days before the expo, and it was my last chance. I was basically crying in joy. I was so proud of continuing to push and try again, even after I failed about a hundred times before. Another rewarding part was when I was nominated for the final showcase. It was rewarding to see that all my hard work has been to noticed.
But I think the most memorable rewarding part was the expo. While it wasn't as rewarding as the final print going my way, I will never forget the expo. I got to show of my work, and people to ask questions and challenge me on things. These are all things that I never would've experienced this if it weren't for the STEAM program.
This project has taught me so much, and these skills it has taught me will help me get through my next chapter in life. I will use these skills to constantly try again when I get kicked to the ground. I will use my skills of photography to capture moments in a forest for others to experience. I will use my (still sucky, but improved) 3D printing skills to print new things. But mostly, I will use the creativity and drive that the STEAM program has given me to try new things, to find ways to better problems we face in the world, but to also just have fun and never to think too big. This program has taught me what reaching for the stars really means, and I cannot wait to use the skills in creating my own future.